(This is a constantly updated bibliography of visual rhetoric and related scholarship published
since 2000. Please pardon its gaps.)
Acheson, Katherine. 2013. Visual Rhetoric and Early Modern English Literature. New York:
Achter, Paul. 2010. “Unruly Bodies: The Rhetorical Domestication of Twenty-First-Century
Veterans of War.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 96 (1): 46-68.
Adams, Heather Brook. 2014. "Visual Style and the Looking Subject: Neil Brinkley's Illustrations of Modern Womanhood." Women's Studies in Communicaiton 37 (1): 90-110.
Aden, Roger C. 2015. Upon the Ruins of Liberty: Slavery, the President's House at Independence Park, and Public Memory. Philadelphia, PA: Temple UP.
Ahn, Sungyong. 2018. "Shooting a Metastable Object: Targeting as Trigger for the Actor-Network in the Open-World Videogames." Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies15 (3): 213-231.
Aiello, Giorgia. 2011. “From Wound to Enclave: The Visual-Material Performance of Urban Renewal in Bologna's Manifattura delle Arti.” Western Journal of Communication 75 (4): 341-366.
Aiello, Giorgia and Greg Dickinson. 2014. "Beyond Authenticity: A Visual-Material Analysis of Locality in the Global Redesign of Starbucks Stores. Visual Communication 13: 303-321.
Ali, Isra. 2020. "Muslim Women Meme-ing Citizenship in the Era of War on Terror Militarism." Quarterly Journal of speech 106 (3): 334-40.
Anderson, Floyd D. and Lawrence J. Prelli. 2001. "Pentadic Cartography: Mapping the Universe of Discourse." Quarterly Journal of Speech 87 (1): 73-95.
Anderson, Karrin Vasby. 2017. "Deflowering the Voting Virgin: Piety, Political Advertising, and the Pleasure Prerogative." Quarterly Journal of Speech 103 (1-2): 160-181.
Apostolidis, Paul. 2016. "The Lesson of Jornaleros: Emancipatory Education, Migrants Artists, and the Aims of Critical Theory." Philosophy and Rhetoric 49 (4): 368-391.
Applegarth, Risa. 2017. "Children Speaking: Agency and Public Memory in the Children's Peace Statue Project." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 47 (1): 49-73.
Applegarth, Risa. 2011. "Genre, Location, and Mary Austin's Ethos." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 41 (1): 41-63.
Arola, Kristen L. 2010. “The Design of Web 2.0: The Rise of the Template, The Fall of Design.” Computers and Composition 27 (1): 4-14.
Arrigo, Anthony F. 2014. Imaging Hoover Dam: The Making of a Cultural Icon. Reno: University of Nevada Press.
Atkins-Sayre, Wendy. 2010. "Articulating Identity: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and the Animal/Human Divide." Western Journal of Communication 74 (3): 309-328.
Atkins-Sayre, Wendy. 2012. “Snapshots of the South: Eudora Welty's Photography and Contested Images of Race.” Southern Communication Journal 77 (2): 77-93.
Atkinson, Nathan S. 2012. "Celluloid Circulation: The Dual Temporality of Nonfiction Film and Its Publics." Rhetoric & Public Affairs 15 (4): 675-684.
Atkinson, Nathan S. 2017. "Making Visual Rhetoric More Difficult." Advances in the History of Rhetoric 17 (3): 321-24.
Atkinson, Nathan S. 2011. “Newsreels as Domestic Propaganda: Visual Rhetoric at the Dawn of the Cold War.” Rhetoric and Public Affairs 14 (1): 69-100
Atwill, Janet. 2006. "Bodies and Art." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 36 (2) 165-70.
Atzmon, Leslie (ed). 2011. Visual Rhetoric and the Eloquence of Design. Anderson, SC: Parlor Press.
Balthrop, V. William, Carole Blair, and Neil Michel. 2010. “The Presence of the Present: Hijacking ‘The Good War’?” Western Journal of Communication 74 (2): 170-207.
Balthrop, V. William, Carole Blair, and Neil Michel. 2011. “Rhetoric, Materiality, and U.S. Western Front Commemoration.” In Communication Matters: Materialist Approaches to Media, Mobility, and Networks, eds. Jeremy Packer and Stephen B. Crofts Wiley. New York: Routledge.
Barnett, Scot and Casey Boyle (eds.). 2016. Rhetoric, Through Everyday Things. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P.
Barnett, Joshua Trey. 2019. "Introduction: Image Politics at Twenty." Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 16 (4): 326-28.
Barnett, Joshua Trey. 2019. "Irrational Hope, Phenological Writing, and the Prospects of Earthly Coexistence." Communication and Critical Cultural Studies 16 (4): 382-91.
Barnett, Joshua Trey. 2015. "Toxic Portraits: Resisting Multiple Invisibilities in the Environmental Justice Movement." Quarterly Journal of Speech 101 (2): 405-425.
Barney, Timothy. 2014. "Diagnosing the Third World: The 'Map Doctor' and the Spatialized Discourses of Disease and Development in the Cold War." Quarterly Journal of Speech 100 (1): 1-30.
Barney, Timothy. 2013. "'Gulag-Slavery, Inc.': The Power of Place and the Rhetorical Life of a Cold War Map." Rhetoric and Public Affairs 16 (2): 317-353.
Barney, Timothy. 2017. "The Iconoclastic Imagination and the Meaning of Rhetorical Criticism." Advances in the History of Rhetoric 17 (3): 325-27.
Barney, Timothy. 2009. “Power Lines: The Rhetoric of Maps as Social Change in the Post–Cold War Landscape.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 95 (4): 412-434.
Barney, Timothy. 2012. “Richard Edes Harrison and the Cartographic Perspective of Modern Internationalism.” Rhetoric and Public Affairs 15 (3): 397-433.
Barney, Timothy. 2019. "The Sight and Site of North Korea: Citizen Cartography's Rhetoric of Resolution in the Satellite Imagery of Labor Camps." Quarterly Journal of Speech 1-5 (1): 1-24.
Barrett-Fox, Jason. 2016. "Posthuman Feminism and the Rhetoric of Silent Cinema: Distributed Agency, ontic Media, and the Possibility of a Networked Historiography." Quarterly Journal of Speech 102 (3): 245-263.
Batchen, Geoffrey, Mick Gidley, Nancy K. Miller, and Jay Prosser (eds.). 2012. Picturing Atrocity: Photography in Crisis. London: Reaktion.
Benson, Thomas W. 2015. Posters for Peace: Visual Rhetoric and Civic Action. University Park: Pennsylvania State UP.
Biesecker, Barbara A. 2002. "Remembering World War II: The Rhetoric and Politics of National COmmemoration at the Turn of the 21st Century." Quarterly Journal of Speech 88 (4): 393-409.
Birdsell, David S. and Leo Groarke. 2007. "Outlines of a Theory of Visual Argument." Argumentation and Advocacy 43 (3-4): 103-113.
Black, Jason Edward and Vernon Ray Harrison. 2019. "On Contemporary Contours of Public Memory" (review essay). Rhetoric and Public Affairs 22 (1): 129-148.
Blair, Carole. 2001. "Reflections on Criticism and Bodies: Parables from Public Places." Western Journal of Communication 65: 271-94.
Blair, Carole, V. William Balthrop, and Neil Michel. 2011. “The Arguments of the Tombs of the Unknown: Relationality and National Legitimation.” Argumentation 25 (4): 449-468.
Blair, Carole, V. William Balthrop, and Neil Michel. 2013. "Mood of the Material: War Memory and Imagining Otherwise." Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies 13 (1): 6-20.
Blair, Carole, and Neil Michel. 2007. "The AIDS Memorial Quilt and the Contemporary Culture of Public Commemoration." Rhetoric and Public Affairs 10: 595-626.
Blair, Carole and Neil Michel. 2000. "Reproducing Civil Rights Tactics: The Rhetorical Performances of the Civil Rights Memorial." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 30 (2): 31-55.
Blakesley, David (ed.). 2007. The Terministic Screen: Rhetorical Perspectives on Film. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press.
Bogost, Ian. 2007. Persuasive Games: The Expressive Power of Video Games. Cambridge: MIT P.
Bordelon, Suzanne. 2019. "Female Embodiment, Contradiction, and Ethos Negotiations in Genevieve Stebbin's Late Nineteenth-Century Statue-Posing Arguments." Rhetoric Review 38 (1): 23-38.
Brouwer, Daniel C. 2007. "From San Francisco to Atlanta and Back Again: Ideologies of Mobility in the AIDS Quilt's Search for a Homeland." Rhetoric and Public Affairs 10 (4): 701-21.
Brunner, Elizabeth. 2019. "Image Politics: A Call to Struggle, Play, and Hope." Communication and Critical Cultural Studies 16 (4): 350-59.
Butler, Janine. 2018. "Integral Captions and Subtitles: Designing a Space for Embodied Rhetorics and Visual Access." Rhetoric Review 37 (3): 286-99.
Butler, Janine. 2018. "Integral Captions and Subtitles: Designing a Space for Embodied Rhetorics and Visual Access." Rhetoric Review 37 (3): 286-299.
Butterworth, Michael L. 2018. "George W. Bush as the 'Man in the Arena': Baseball, Public Memory, and the Rhetorical Redemption of a President." Rhetoric and Public Affairs 22 (1): 1-31.
Bytwerk, Randall L. 2009. "Hitler's Face: The Biography of an Image (review)." Rhetoric and Public Affairs 12 (1): 125-127.
Casper, Monica and Lisa Jean Moore. 2009. Missing Bodies: The Politics of Visibility. New York University Press.
Chidester, Phil. 2008. "May the Circle Stay Unbroken: Friends, the Presence of Absence, and the Rhetorical Reinforcement of Whiteness." Critical Studies in Media Communication 25 (2): 157-74.
Cho, Young Cheon. 2016. "The Art of Self-Concretization as a Necropolitical Embodiment: The Self-Immolation of Chun Tae-il." Quarterly Journal of Speech 102 (1): 21-40.
Choi, Suhi. 2016. "Can a Memorial Communicate Embodied Trauma?: Reenacting Civilian Bodies in the No Gun Ri Peace Park." Rhetoric and Public Affairs 19 (3): 465-89.
Clancy, Kelly A. and Benjamin Clancy. 2016. "Growing Monstrous Organisms: The Construction of Anti-GMO Visual Rhetoric Through Digital Media." Critical Studies in Media Communication 33 (3): 179-92.
Cloud, Dana. 2004. "'To Veil the Threat of Terror': Afghan Women and the <Clash of Civilizations> in the Imagery of the U.S. War on Terrorism." Quarterly Journal of Speech 90 (3): 285-306.
Collins, Sue. 2014. "Film, Cultural Policy, and World War I Training Camps: Send Your Soldier to the Show with Smileage." Film History 26 (1): 1-49.
Condit, Celeste. 2019. "Click Politics and the Ecosphere, 2020." Communication and Critical Cultural Studies 16 (4): 360-69.
Conley, Donovan and Greg Dickinson. 2010. "Textual Democracy." Critical Studies in Media Communication 27: 1-7.
Cram, E., Melanie Loehwing, and John Louis Lucaites. 2016. Civic Sights: Theorizing Deliberative and Photographic Publicity in the Visual Public Sphere." Philosophy and Rhetoric 49 (3): 227-53.
Cram, Emily Dianne. 2012. “'Angie was Our Sister': Witnessing the Trans-Formation of Disgust in the Citizenry of Photography." Quarterly Journal of Speech 98 (4): 411-438.
Curley, John J. 2013. A Conspiracy of Images: Andy Warhol, Gerhard Richter, and the Art of the Cold War. New Haven, CT: Yale UP.
Daniel-Wariya, Joshua. 2019. "Welcome to Decision Points Theater: Rhetoric, Museology, and Game Studies." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 49 (4): 387-408.
Dauber, Cori Elizabeth. 2001. "The Shot Seen 'Round the World: The Impact of the Images of Mogadishu on American Military Operations." Rhetoric and Public Affairs 4 (4).
David, Carol and Anne R. Richards. 2008. Writing the Visual: A Practical Guide for Teachers of Composition and Communication. Anderson, SC: Parlor Press.
Davisson, Amber. 2011. “Beyond the Borders of Red and Blue States: Google Maps as a Site of Rhetorical Invention in the 2008 Presidential Election.” Rhetoric and Public Affairs 14 (1): 101-123.
DeLuca, Kevin Michael. 2005. "Behold the Corpse: Violent Images and the Case of Emmett Till." Rhetoric and Public Affairs 8 (2).
DeLuca, Kevin Michael. 2019. "Image Events Amidst Eco-Ruins: Social Media and the Mediated Earth." Communication and Critical Cultural Studies 16 (4): 329-339.
DeLuca, Kevin Michael, Christine Harold, and Kenneth Rufo. 2007. "Q.U.I.L.T.: A Patchwork of Reflections." Rhetoric and Public Affairs 10 (4).
Demo, Anne and Bradford Vivian (eds). 2011. Rhetoric, Remembrance, and Visual Form: Sighting Memory. New York: Routledge.
Dickinson, Greg. 2002. "Joe's Rhetoric: Starbucks and the Spatial Rhetoric of Authenticity." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 32 (1): 5-28.
Dickinson, Greg. 2006. "The Pleasantville Effect: Nostalgia and the Visual Framing of (White) Suburbia." Western Journal of Communication 70 (3): 212-33.
Dickinson, Greg. 2016. Suburban Dreams: Imagining and Building the Good Life. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P.
Dickinson, Greg and Giorgia Aiello. 2014. "Being Through There Matters: Materiality, Bodies, and Movement in Urban Communication Research." International Journal of Communication 10: 1294-1308.
Dickinson, Greg and Brian L. Ott. 2013. "Neoliberal Capitalism, Globalization, and Lines of Flight: Vectors and Velocities at the 16th Street Mall." Cultural Studies <=> Critical Methodologies 13: 18-31.
Dickinson, Greg, Brian L. Ott, and Eric Aoki. 2005. "Memory and Myth at the Buffalo Bill Museum." Western Journal of Communication: 85-108.
Dickinson, Greg, Brian L. Ott, and Eric Aoki. 2006. "Spaces of Remembering and Forgetting: The Reverent Eye/I at the Plains Indian Musum." Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 3 (1): 27-47.
Dickinson, Greg, Brian L. Ott, and Carole Blair. 2010. Places of Public Memory: The Rhetoric of Museums and Memorials. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press.
Dobrin, Sidney I. and Sean Morey (eds). 2009. Ecosee: Image, Rhetoric, Nature. Albany: SUNY P.
Dombrowski, Paul. 2003. "Ernst Haeckel's Controversial Visual Rhetoric." Technical Communication Quarterly 12 (3): 303-19.
Donofrio, Theresa Ann. 2010. "Ground Zero and Place-Making Authority: The Conservative Metaphors in 9/11 Families' “Take Back the Memorial” Rhetoric." Western Journal of Communication 74 (2): 150-169.
Dove, Ian J. 2016. "Visual Scheming: Assessing Visual Arguments." Argumentation and Advocacy 52 (4): 254-64.
Dunn, Thomas R. 2019. "Grinding against Genocide: Rhetorics of Shame, Sex, and Memory at the Memoral to the Murdered Jews of Europe." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 49 (4): 365-386.
Dunn, Thomas R. 2011. “Remembering ‘A Great Fag’: Visualizing Public Memory and the Construction of Queer Space.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 97 (4): 435-460.
Dunn, Thomas R. 2010. “Remembering Matthew Shepard: Violence, Identity, and Queer Counterpublic Memories.” Rhetoric and Public Affairs 13 (4): 611-652.
Eberly, Rosa A. 2017. "Passing Rhetoric's Kaleidoscope." Advances in the History of Rhetoric 17 (3): 328-330.
Eldson, Diana. 2013. "The Celsus Library at Ephesus: Spatial Rhetoric, Literacy, and Hegemony in the Eastern Roman Empire." Advances in the History of Rhetoric 16 (2): 189-217.
Endres, Danielle and Samantha Senda-Cook. 2011. "Location Matters: The Rhetoric of Place in Protest." Quarterly Journal of Speech 97 (3): 257-282.
Erickson, Keith V. 2000. "Presidential Rhetoric's Visual Turn: Performance Fragments and the Politics of Illusionism." Communication Monographs 67 (2): 138-57.
Ewalt, Joshua. 2011. “A Colonialist Celebration of National <Heritage>: Verbal, Visual, and Landscape Ideographs at Homestead National Monument of America.” Western Journal of Communication 75 (4): 367-385.
Ewalt, Joshua. 2019. "Visibility and Order at the Salt Lake City Main Public Library.: Commonplaces, Deviant Publics, and the Rhetorical Criticism of Neoliberalism's Geographies." Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 16 (2): 103-121.
Fabos, Bettina. 2015. "The Trouble with Iconic Images: Historical Timelines and Public Memory." Visual Communication Quarterly 21 (4): 223-235.
Faltesek, Daniel. 2013. "Golden Tweet, Camera Raw." Visual Communication Quarterly 20 (3): 159-67.
Finnegan, Cara A. 2001. "Documentary as Art in U.S. Camera." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 31 (2): 37-68.
Finnegan, Cara A. 2006. “Forum: What is This a Picture Of? Some Thoughts on Images and Archives.” Rhetoric & Public Affairs 9 (2): 116-123.
Finnegan, Cara A. 2006. “FSA Photography and New Deal Visual Culture.” American Rhetoric in the New Deal Era: Volume 7 of Rhetorical History of the United States. Ed. Thomas Benson, 115-155. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State UP.
Finnegan, Cara A. 2008. “‘Liars May Photograph’: Image Vernaculars and Progressive Era Child Labor Rhetoric.” POROI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Rhetorical Analysis and Invention 5.2.
Finnegan, Cara A. 2015. Making Photography Matter: A Viewer's History from the Civil War to the Great Depression. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
Finnegan, Cara A. 2003. Picturing Poverty: Print Culture and FSA Photographs. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Books.
Finnegan, Cara A. 2005. "Recognizing Lincoln: Image Vernaculars in Nineteenth-Century Visual Culture." Rhetoric and Public Affairs 8 (1).
Finnegan, Cara A. 2000. "Social Engineering, Visual Politics, and the New Deal: FSA Photograph in Survey Graphic." Rhetoric and Public Affairs 3 (3).
Finnegan, Cara A. 2010. “Studying Visual Modes of Public Address: Lewis Hine’s Progressive Era Child Labor Rhetoric.” In The Handbook of Rhetoric and Public Address. Eds. Michael Hogan and Shawn J. Parry-Giles, 250-70. London: Blackwell.
Finnegan, Cara A. and Jennifer Jones Barbour. 2006. “Visualizing Public Address.” Rhetoric & Public Affairs 9 (3): 489-532.
Finnegan, Cara A. and Jiyeon Kang. 2004. "'Sighting' The Public: Iconoclasm and Public Sphere Theory." Quarterly Journal of Speech 90 (4): 377-402.
Fitzmaurice, Megan Irene. 2016. "Commemorative Privilege in national Statuary Hall: Spatial Constructions of Racial Citizenship." Southern Journal of Communication 81 (4): 252-262.
Fleckenstein, Kristie S. 2009. Vision, Rhetoric, and Social Action in the Composition Classroom. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP.
Fleckenstein, Kristie S., Sue Hum, and Linda T. Calendrillo. 2008. Ways of Seeing, Ways of Speaking: The Integration of Rhetoric and Vision in Constructing the Real. Parlor Press.
Fleming, David. 2002. "The Streets of Thurii: Discourse, Democracy, and Design in the Classical Polis." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 32 (3): 5-32.
Foust, Christina R. 2008. "Aesthetics as Weapons in the 'War of Ideas': Exploring the Digital and Typographic in American Conservative Web Sites." Southern Communication Journal 73 (2): 122-42.
Friz, Amanda M. 2018. "Technologies of the State: Transvaginal Ultrasounds and the Abortion Debate." Rhetoric and Public Affairs 21 (4): 639-72.
Gaffey, Adam J. and Jennifer L. Jones Barbour. 2018. "'A Spirit That Can Never Be Told': Commemorative Agency and the Texas A&M University Bonfire Memorial." Rhetoric and Public Affairs 21 (1): 75-116.
Gaffey, Adam J. 2015. "Recollecting Union: 'Rebel Flags' and the Epideictic Vision of Washington's Farewell Address." Western Journal of Communication 79 (3): 327-47.
Gallagher, Victoria J. 2004. "Memory as Social Action: Cultural Projection and Generic Form in Civil Rights Memorials." In Communities, Creations, and Contradictions: New Approaches to Rhetoric for the Twenty-First Century, 149-71. Eds. S.R. Goldzwig and P.A. Sullivan. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
Gallagher, Victoria J., Kelly N. Martin, & Magdy Ma. 2011. “Visual Wellbeing: Intersections of Rhetorical Theory and Design.” Design Issues 27 (2): 25-39.
Gallagher, Victoria J. and Kenneth S. Zagacki. 2007. "Visibility and Rhetoric: Epiphanies and Transformations in the Life Photographs of the Selma Marches of 1965." Quarterly Journal of Speech 37 (2): 113-35.
Gallagher, Victoria J. and Kenneth S. Zagacki. 2005. "The Power of Visual Images in Normal Rockwell's Depictions of Civil Rights." Quarterly Journal of Speech 91 (2): 175-200.
Geraths, Cory and Michele Kennerly. 2016. "Painted Lady: Aspasia in Nineteenth-Century European Art." Rhetoric Review 35 (3): 197-211.
Gigante, Maria E. 2015. "A Portrait of Exclusion: The Archetype of the Scientist at Work in Life Magazine." Rhetoric Review 34 (3): 292-314.
Gilbert, Christopher J. 2018. "War Comics" (review essay). Rhetoric and Public Affairs 21 (2): 343-57.
Gilbert, Christopher J. and John Louis Lucaites. 2015. "Bringing War Down to Earth: The Dialectic of Pity and Compassion in Doonesbury's View of Combat Trauma." Quarterly Journal of Speech 101 (2): 379-404.
Giner, Oscar. 2009. "Portraits of Rebellion: Geronimo's Photograph of 1844." In Rhetoric, Materiality, and Politics. Eds. Barbara Biesecker and John Louis Lucaites, 277-92. New York: Peter Lang.
Goodnow, Trischa. 2003. "Evaluating the Story: News Photographs and Social Narratives." Visual Communication Quarterly 10 (3): 4-9.
Goodnow, Trischa. 2013. "Facing Off: A Comparative Analysis of Obama and Romney Facebook Timeline Photos." American Behavioral Scientist 57 (11): 1584-1595.
Goodnow, Trischa. 2006. "On Black Panthers, Blue Ribbons, and Peace Signs: The Function of Symbols in Social Campaigns." Visual Communication Quarterly 13 (3): 166-79.
Goodnow, Trischa and James J. Kimble (eds.). 2017. The Ten-Cent War: Comic Books, Propaganda, and World War II. Oxford, MS: University Press of Mississippi.
Goodnow, Trischa. 2010. "Visual Bias in Time's 'The Great Divide': A Semiotic Analysis of Clinton and Obama Photographs." American Behavioral Scientist 54 (4): 406-16.
Gorkemli, Serkan. 2011. “Gender Benders, Gay Icons, and Media: Lesbian and Gay Visual Rhetoric in Turkey.” Enculturation (
Gorsevski, Ellen W., Raymond I. Schuck, and Canchu Lin. 2012. "The Rhetorical Plasticity of the Dead in Museum Displays: A Biocritique of Missing Intercultural Awareness." Western Journal of Communication 76 (3): 314-332.
Grano, Daniel A. and Kenneth S. Zagacki. 2011. “Cleansing the Superdome: The Paradox of Purity and Post-Katrina Guilt.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 97 (2): 201-223.
Greene, Ronald Walter. 2005. "Y Movies: Film and the Modernization of Pastoral Power." Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 2 (1): 20-36.
Gries, Laurie. 2009. "Emerging Methods in Visual Rhetorics" (review essay). JAC 29 1-2.
Gries, Laurie. 2015. Still Life with Rhetoric: A New Materialist Approach for Visual Rhetorics. Logan, UT: Utah State UP.
Griffin, Charles J. G. 2013. "'Operation Sunshine': The Rhetoric of a Cold War Technological Spectacle." Rhetoric & Public Affairs 16 (3): 521-42.
Griffo, Rachel. 2016. "The Practices of Representation in a Transnational Ethnic Art Exhibit." Rhetoric Review 35 (1): 49-62.
Groarke, Leo, Catherine H. Palczewski, and David Godden. 2016. "Navigating the Visual Turn in Argument." Argumentation and Advocacy 52 (4): 217-235.
Groenendyk, Kathi L. 2000. "The Importance of Vision: Persuasion and the Picturesque." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 30 (1): 9-28.
Gross, Alan A. 2009. “Presence as a Consequence of Verbal-Visual Interaction: A Theoretical Approach.” Rhetoric Review 28 (3): 265-284.
Gross, Alan. 2014. Science from Sight to Insight: How Scientists Illustrate Meaning. U of Chicago P.
Gross, Alan. 2009. “Toward a Theory of Verbal–Visual Interaction: The Example of Lavoisier.” Rhetoric Society Quarterly 39 (2): 147-169.
Gruber, Christiane and Sune Haugbolle (eds.). 2013. Visual Culture in the Modern Middle East Rhetoric of the Image. Bloomington: U of Indiana P.
Gruber, David. 2014. "The (Digital) Majesty of All Under Heaven: Affective Constitutive Rhetoric at the Hong Kong Museum of History's Multimedia Exhibition of Terracotta Warriors." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 44 (2): 148-67.
Gruber, David. 2011. "Theatrical Bodies: Acting Out Comedy and Tragedy in Two Anatomical Displays." Visual Communication Quarterly 18 (2) 100-113.
Hahner, Leslie A. 2013. "The Riot Kiss: Framing Memes as Visual Argument." Argumentation and Advocacy 49 (3): 151-166.
Hahner, Leslie A. and Scott J. Varda. 2014. "Yarn Bombing and the Aesthetics of Exceptionalism." Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 11 (4): 301-21.
Hall, Rachel. 2009. Wanted: The Outlaw in American Visual Culture. Charlottesville: U of Virginia P.
Halloran, S. Michael. 2001. "Text and Experience in a Historical Pageant: Toward a Rhetoric of Spectacle." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 31 (4): 5-17.
Hamilton, Kevin and Ned O'Gorman. 2019. "Engineering Geographies: The Arctic in the Cold War Air Defense Films in the United States Air Force." In Arctic Cinemas and the Documentary Ethos. Eds. Lilya Kaganovsky, Scott MacKenzie, and Anna Westerstahl. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Hamilton, Kevin and Ned O'Gorman. 2019. Lookout America! The Secret Hollywood Studio at the Heart of the Cold War. Hanover, NH: Dartmouth College Press.
Hamilton, Kevin and Ned O'Gorman. 2015. "Visualities of Strategic Vision: Lookout Mountain Laboratory and the Deterrent State from Nuclear Tests to Vietnam." Visual Studies 30 (2): 195-208.
Handa, Carolyn (ed.). 2004. Visual Rhetoric in a Digital World: A Critical Sourcebook. New York: Bedford/St. Martin's.
Hanson, Valerie L. 2015. Haptic Visions: Rhetorics of the Digital Image, Information, and Nanotechnology. Anderson, SC: Parlor Press.
Hariman, Robert and John Louis Lucaites. 2011. “Bad Image, Good Art: Thinking Through Banality.” Flow TV 15 (02):
Hariman, Robert and John Louis Lucaites. 2001. "Dissent and Emotional Management in a Liberal-Democratic Society: The Kent State Iconic Photograph." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 31 (3): 5-31.
Hariman, Robert and John Louis Lucaites. 2019. "From Image Politics to Image Politics 2.0." Communication and Critical Cultural Studies 16 (4): 340-49.
Hariman, Robert and John Louis Lucaites. 2012. “The Iconic Image of the Mushroom Cloud and the Cold War Nuclear Optic." In Picturing Atrocity: Photography in Crisis. Eds. Geoffrey Batchen, Mick Gidley, Nancy K. Miller, and Jay Prosser, 135-47. London: Reaktion Books Ltd.
Hariman, Robert and John Louis Lucaites. 2007. No Caption Needed: Iconic Photographs, Public Culture, and Liberal Democracy. U of Chicago P.
Hariman, Robert and John Louis Lucaites. 2002. "Performing Civic Identity: The Iconic Photograph of the Flag Raising on Iwo Jima." Quarterly Journal of Speech 88 (4): 363-92.
Hariman, Robert and John Louis Lucaites. 2003. “Public Identity and Collective Memory in U.S. Iconic Photography: The Image of ‘Accidental Napalm." Critical Studies in Media Communication 20: 35-66.
Hariman, Robert and John Louis Lucaites. 2016. The Public Image: Photography and Civic Spectatorship. U of Chicago P.
Hariman, Robert and John Louis Lucaites. 2004. “Ritualizing Modernity’s Gamble: the Iconic Photographs of the Hindenburg
and Challenger Explosions." Visual Communication Quarterly 11: 4-17.
Hariman, Robert and John Louis Lucaites. 2013. “Vernacular Memorials and Civic Decline." In The Landscapes of 9/11: A Photographer's Journey. Eds. Edward Linenthal, Jonathan Hyman, and Christiane Gruber. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Hariman, Robert and John Louis Lucaites. 2008. “Visual Tropes and Late-Modern Emotion in U.S. Public Culture." POROI 5 (2).
Hasian, Marouf and Rulon Wood. 2010. "Critical Museology, (Post)Colonial Communication, and the Gradual Mastering of Traumatic Pasts at the Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA)." Western Journal of Communication 74 (2): 128-149.
Hasian, Marouf. 2016. Forensics and Satellite Surveillance: The Visualization of War Crimes and Human Rights Violations. New York: Lexington.
Haskins, Ekaterina. 2007. "Between Archive and Participation: Public Memory in a Digital Age." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 37 (4): 401-22.
Haskins, Ekaterina V. 2003. "'Put Your Stamp on History': The USPS Commemorative Program Celebrate the Century." Quarterly Journal of Speech 89 (1): 1-18.
Haskins, Ekaterina and James P. Zappen. 2010. “Totalitarian Visual ‘Monologue’: Reading Soviet Posters with Bakhtin.” Rhetoric Society Quarterly 40 (4): 326-359.
Hatfield, Katherine L., Ashley Hinck, and Mary J. Birkholt. 2007. "Seeing the Visual in Argumentation: A Rhetorical Analysis of Unicef Belgium's Smurf Public Service Announcement." Argumentation and Advocacy 43 (3-4): 144-151.
Hawhee, Debra. 2011. "Looking Into Aristotle's Eyes: Toward a Theory of Rhetorical Vision." Advances in the History of Rhetoric 14 (2): 139-165.
Hawhee, Debra. 2006. "Rhetorics, Bodies, and Everyday Life." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 36 (2): 155-64.
Hawhee, Debra and Paul Messaris. 2009. “Review Essay: What's Visual about ‘Visual Rhetoric’?” Quarterly Journal of Speech 95 (2): 210-223.
Hawhee, Debra and Megan Poole. 2019. "Kenneth Burke at the MoMA: A Viewer's Theory." Quarterly Journal of Speech 105 (4): 418-440.
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